Sunday, January 16, 2011

Here Goes

In trying to learn new ways to save our family money I have bought two books. One is called "Cut Your Grocery Bill in Half" and the other "America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right On The Money" both are by Steve and Annette Economides. For more information about them and their books visit their website

I have started reading "Cut Your Grocery Bill In Half" and have learned a few good tips so far that I will start implementing in my grocery shopping and planning. The first tip I will be using is to plan out our meals for the month, and only go shopping once a month. The reason for doing this is because by going shopping once a month you avoid impulse buys. You can go to the grocery store once a month at spend $300 or go twice a week and spend $60 each trip and half the stuff you don't need or don't even equal a meal. The authors of the books buy all their food and cleaning supplies and toiletries for a family of seven for $350 a month, and they don't rely on hours of clipping coupons either. I hope to learn even more and I'll share what I learn and what tips I actually use as I go along.

Productive all around... A couple days ago I had a very productive day! I cleaned the house with the help of my sis in law, did all my laundry, and even organized the laundry room. It all was really needed, and I felt so good when it was done! Now to accomplish my real goal of keeping it clean! So far so good! I have kept up with dishes and laundry and keeping things tidy. I am trying to keep it in my mind that I just need to do it! Things need to be done and not doing them right away will only make them worse so I need to just suck it up and do them right away.

Reading... Another one of my goals is to read at least a little bit everyday. So far I have been doing good with this too! I have been reading three books. One for fun, one for personal growth, and one for bettering our family.

Baby Update... I am eleven weeks pregnant today and feeling pretty good. My nausea hasn't been bad really at all so other than started to get a baby bump, being more tired, and this stupid acne taking over my body i'm doing great! ha. I've got another appointment this week and I'm hoping we'll be able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler. I don't know for sure if we'll be able to since I won't quite be 12 weeks yet, but we'll see.

We will see see how things continue to go. Hoping and praying I keep having days like these!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Year Res......

2011 already... should be a big year for us! A baby on the way and I have lots of goals for myself and our family. I am a little nervous to make a list because if I have a list then I might not complete it and I'll feel bad, but at the same time I am a list person and I know that it would help me stay motivated. Ok, fine, I'll do a list! Stay tuned...